Sunday, July 13, 2008


Over the last few years, while developing the Krasnovs as a core family presence to compliment the Random Access features, a number of ancillary characters have become manifest and have also become intertwined with each other in various ways. In addition to Zach's 40 story 400 ton green scaly dog, my Number One and Only Son also has a digital pal who goes by the name of Bix Nix.

Bix is a borderline nerd who speaks with an ever so slight lisp. In early features, Bix croaked out a mechanized beep at the end of each sentence he uttered. As Bix approached puberty, the beep faded out and, like Zach, his voice has begun to change. While Zach approaches any unknown fearlessly, Bix tends to be more apprehensive. You can hear Bix in our new TWIAR BLOG promo.

Mister Nix, first name unknown, is Bix's father who is also a borderline nerd who also speaks with an ever so slight lisp. While Bix is a good boy, Mister Nix may have gangland connections. Not much more is known. In the meantime, Mister Nix has voiced several promos and has discussed at length supernatural communications via a recent Random Access Thought.

While on the supernatural, there are also the two Bobs. The first Bob is a reasonably friendly extraterrestrial, home planet unknown, who tends to announce very expansively, much like a cheesy two bit stage performer. Bob occasionally dates TINK, a lovely imaginary visage who we shall detail later.

The other Bob has been dead since the Great Depression. His real name is Seymour but his good friends call him Bob. Like Boleslav Krasnov, Seymour has a distinctly Coney Island dialect. He has been known to call "CQ MARS" over the HF ham bands without benefit of any radio. Apparently, the dead can do that. It also appears that Seymour does not sit at the right hand of G*d.

In our next installment: Tick Tock, TANK and TINK!

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