Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So MNOAOS Zach and I got together this Monday evening with our very own Bill W2XOY. We made the scene at the classic old folks watering hole, the Cracker Barrel, located in nearby Defreestville on Route 4 in Rensselaer County, here in upstate New York. Bill wanted to get together with Zach to offer congratulations on passing the Technician Class amateur radio exam, sponsored by the East Greenbush Amateur Radio Association. Bill, in addition to being the author and the voice of the globally famous Ancient Amateur Archives, is also Zachary's Godfather. And so it came to pass that the Godfather made an offer Zach could not refuse, by presenting him with a ICOM V82 two meter handheld transceiver.

Bill also offered the speculation that Zach's call may fall in the KC2VVx block, possibly a KC2VWx. And should it come to pass that my number one and only son cares not for his freshly inked call, he says he may opt for my father's old two land as a vanity callsign. Thus Zach is actually a third generation amateur radio operator. And there's more!

Turns out, Zach's friend-who-is-a-girl Jessica, George Bowen's daughter, will also be third generation. Whether Jess goes for her Grandfather's callsign remains to be seen. Stay tuned for a callsign update, hopefully sometime this week!

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